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Table VII-9.   The exchange between sectors in 1978 in relation to distance, expressed as the proportional distribution of the beetles, emigrated from one sector (X), over the other sectors of the Br-complex.
Rank: The sectors are ranked 1 - 8. Starting from sector X, with rank 0, the other sectors are ranked anew according to their spatial positions to X: can be reached directly, or can only be reached via one other sector, two other sectors, etc.
Sector:KrBbBnSc/WzWn BrMe
Sector Period
Rank:0 1.5 1.5 34.5 4.5 6
Kr        IIIX 29.116.7 2.016.729.1 6.3
Rank:1.501.5 3 4.5 4.5 6
Bb        I13.6X27.318.222.7 9.1 9.1
II 16.7X 33.333.316.7 0.0 0.0
III30.8X11.5 3.819.230.8 3.8
Rank:2 202 4.5 4.56
Bn       III49.513.0 X5.1 6.522.1 3.9
Rank:552 0225
Sc/Wz   I0.05.0 8.0 X 31.036.619.4
II2.40.018.2 X17.657.8 4.0
III18.64.9 7.4 X32.430.8 5.8
IV7.30.0 0.0 X35.535.521.7
Rank:5 52.5 1 0 2.5 5
Wn       I0.00.0 6.586.5 X7.0 0.0
II 2.40.0 9.165.0 X18.7 4.8
III12.80.0 9.212.3 X39.626.1
IV5.20.0 0.065.1 X 22.1 7.6
Rank:5.55.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 0 1.5
Br        I 0.00.0 1.428.616.0 X 54.0
II 6.6 X33.2
III15.80.0 5.320.018.7 X40.2
IV0.00.0 0.061.8 0.0 X 38.2
Rank:5.55.5 3.5 23.5 10
Me       I 0.00.0 0.023.9 6.269.9 X
II 0.00.0 X
III11.60.0 4.8 2.5 8.972.2 X
IV0.00.0 0.076.510.710.8 X
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