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Table VII-7.   The proportional contribution of the emigrants per pool to the total number of beetles dispersing per period.
N =number of beetles released
Em =number of beetles emigrated
Eex =expected proportional distribution of the total number of emigrants per period over pools according to the ratio of N to total N per period
Efn =proportional distribution of emigrants over pools as observed per period in relation to the total number of dispersing beetles per period
D =ln(Efn/Eex); D>0 = more emigration than expected; D<0 = less emigration than expected
pools:Wn Bb MeKr Br Wz Sc Kw Bn 
I          N 46 70 55-49 81 41 68 -410   
Em 14 39 45-37 57 31 54 -277   
Eex 11.2 17.1 13.4-12.0 19.8 10.0 16.6-100%
Efn 20.6 11.2 19.5 -100%
D -0.80-0.19 0.19 - 0.11 0.04 0.11 0.16- 
II          N 70 58 60-25 70 70- -353   
Em 49 14 33-15 52 46- -209   
Eex 19.8 16.4 17.0- 7.1 19.8 19.8--100%
Efn 23.46.7 15.8- 7.2 24.9 22.0- -100%
D 0.17-0.90-0.07 - 0.01 0.23 0.10 - - 
III          N 90 40100 85 85 75--87 562   
Em 45 15 28 43 19 58--66 274   
Eex 16.07.1 17.8 15.1 15.1 13.4 --15.5 100%
Efn 16.45.5 10.2 15.76.9 21.2 --24.1 100%
D 0.03-0.26-0.55 0.04-0.78 0.45-- 0.44  
IV          N 100-80-90120--- 391   
Em 32-21-44 42--- 139   
Eex 25.6-20.5-23.1 30.--- 100%
Efn 23.0-15.1-31.7 30.2--- 100%
D -0.11--0.31- 0.32-0.02--- 
mean D -0.18-0.45-0.19 0.04-0.09 0.180.11 0.160.44 
   I - IV
 Σ N 306168295 85249346 111 68871715   
Em 140 68127 4311520977 5466 899   
Eex 17.89.8 17.25.0 14.5 20.2 6.54.0 5.1 100%
Efn 15.67.6 14.14.8 12.8 23.3 8.66.0 7.3 100%
D -0.14-0.26-0.20-0.03-0.13 0.140.28 0.410.37 

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