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Table VII-14Structure of the spreadsheet model used for estimating the emigration rate, the survival chance during swim dispersal activity and the dispersal-ratio
Row Column A B - K
01variables values per
02period number
03population name
04R (= number of beetles released)
05W (= number of weeks with exchange)
06E (= emigration rate/week introduced into the model)
07Q (= introduced survival rate/week in the population)
08Pe (Pe = R*(Q-E)w, expected number of beetles in the population after W weeks)
09Pf (= number of beetles observed in the population after W weeks)
10Le (Le = R - Pe, expected number of beetles lost from the population after W weeks)
11Lf (Lf = R - Pf, observed number of beetles lost from the populatlon after W weeks)
13V (V = Lf*(I-Q)/(I-Q+E), number of beetles died)
14Ee (Ee = Le - V, expected number of beetles that have emigrated)
15Ef (Ef = Lf - V, observed number of beetles that have emigrated)
17Ifx (= observed numbers of beetles immigrated in population x)
29 If (= total number of beetles observed as immigrant elsewhere (SUM(cel A17 -A27)))
30Qee (Qee = Ie/Ee, expected survival rate during dispersal)
31Qef (Qef = Ie/Ef, observed survival rate during dispersal)
33I (= number of beetles immigrated from other populations)
34Dbe (Dbe= I/Ee, expected dispersal-balance)
35Dbf (Dbf = I/Ef, observed dispersal-balance)

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