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Table VII-13.   The number of beetles exchanged per day between populations in the Br-complex and some weather data per day in the first two weeks of periods I - III.
X = number of exchanged beetles
Tmax = maximum temperature per day
Tmin = minimum temperature per day
RAIN time =number of hours with rain;
WIND = mean wind velocity per day;
RADIATION = global radiation of the sky
X oCoCmmtimem/sJ/cm2
IMay 2413 10 0.1 12498
25412 10 0.8 118 525
2610 17 80362118
273 21 60052151
281 21 60062897
294 22 80062297
304 27 90 072385
313 29 120062646
June 1 32 140042400
24 27 121.1252300
3 26 100062587
413 27 120052193
511 25 130061883
IIJune 27 1383.6? 10 861
280 16 91.0881096
291 18 122.5 148 675
308 17 103.1 179 1263
July 3 1695.7? 101205
41316 92.9 1391521
52 16 83.7951487
61 16 104.3 18 12 1603
9 15 91.7?91202
104 19 70342345
112 20 60.1142756
121 18 60042869
131 18 60061654
140 14 110 159 721
IIIAug. 6 19 110.9?6 1112
78 18 81.0871001
89 19 91.4581439
94 19 80061519
101 20 110071920
1110 16 120.598 820
13 24 100031490
1412 18 112.267 558
157 26 1201 102079
169 20 112.1291335
1722 19 85.59 101603
185 20 60042475

U-test: X-values during some weather condition
Tmax>21oC - <17oC7 87.574.75 14 ->0.20
Tmin>10oC - <8oC11 77.453.14 13 -<0.05
rain mm>1.3 mm - dry10128.705.08 33.51.76>0.05
rain time>4 hours - dry14127.435.08 62 1.14>0.20
wind>8 m/s - <6 m/s8 86.755.25 21.5 - >0.20
radiation<1500 - >2000 J/cm21113 6.915.69 60.50.64>0.20
weather ITmin+ rain (mm)8 8 7.133.63 24.5->0.20
weather IIrain (mm + time)812 8.504.25 33.5- >0.20

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