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Table II-7.Simulation of different situations with (A) and without (B) dispersal over 10 habitats.
SURV. = survival chance; LOW=0.12, HIGH=0.5 per generation
DISP    = dispersal chance per individual
VAR     = variation coefficient in all processes (heterogenity of the habitat)
R      = net reproductive rate R = (Pt/Po)
POP     = number of populations after 20 years

LOW 0.3 5% 0.99 1.00 10 10
50% 0.79 1.00 10 10
0.5 5% 0.94 0.80 10 3
50% 0.79 0.80 10 3
0.7 5% 0.87 0.64 10 0
50% 0.74 0.64 8 0
HIGH 0.3 5% 1.01 1.03 10 10
50% 0.81 1.03 10 10
0.5 5% 0.97 0.86 10 4
50% 0.81 0.86 10 4
0.7 5% 0.95 0.65 10 0
50% 0.79 0.65 10 0

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